The 'NaNoWriMo' for Business Book Writers
The 30-Day Business Book Writing Challenge
Sign up by April 29, 2024 by 11:59 pm CDT
Is Your Business Book (Still) Waiting To Be Written?
Are you a business owner who knows that a book will take your business to the next level, but you’re struggling to turn it into reality?
Are you looking to grow your thought leadership as a tool to reach new audiences, but you need a push to make it happen?
"Someday," you say?
Many experts, coaches, consultants, and service providers dream of sharing their expertise in a business-boosting book, yet they put off bringing that book to life because of self-doubt, confusion, and a lack of time are getting in their way.
Why do we put off something that can change your life, your business and those you're here to serve?
lack of time
The busyness of your day makes setting aside time to write feel overwhelming. We’ll show you how time blocking can help you chip away at your word count day by day in a way that feels manageable and not overwhelming.
brand gaps
Not having a clear foundation on your brand, audience, message and positioning will make writing harder. The program planner we'll help you get clear on your book positioning so it's targeted to the right audience.
lack of structure
Not having a plan for writing or for what you want to write creates confusion which leads to procrastination. The Business Book Brand Blueprint™ will make it clear what you need to write so you look forward to your writing time each day.
self-doubt roadblocks
Have perfectionism, imposter syndrome, or comparison kept you from writing? It’s time to move these roadblocks out of the way where they belong and reframe them in a way that no longer keeps you stuck.
bad writer syndrome
It’s time to leave the red pen marks in the past where they belong and write now. Leave the editing to the experts but remember that they can’t edit a blank page.
fear of failing
Worried that you’ll write a book that no one will read? Every writer has that fear! One thing is for sure – if you don’t write you’re book, no one will read it. It’s time to see how many readers you can reach!
The 'NaNoWriMo' for Business Book Writers Coaching Cohort
The 30-Day Business Book Writing Challenge
Get Your Business Book Draft Written In 30 Days
All in 30 days in May 2024
✓ Getting all of the writing you’ve been avoiding done in 30 DAYS!
✓ Holding a draft of your book in your hands by June 1st, 2024!
✓Adding “Author” to your LinkedIn headline and bio!
✓ Publishing a book this year to boost your brand and business
✓ The pride you will feel in seeing a longtime dream become reality – YOU WROTE A BOOK!!
Let's Be Honest...
Why Haven't You Started Yet?
→ It's Not Easy To Do This Alone...
You've got the vision to write a book that will grow your brand and business, but something's holding you back...
→ Maybe it's the daunting blank page staring back at you, the nagging voice of perfectionism whispering, "This isn’t very good,” or “You’re not a good writer.”
→ Perhaps imposter syndrome has you second-guessing your every word – or even your authority for the work you do.
→ Maybe you hear the relentless clock ticking, which convinces you that there's never enough time to write the darn words.
No matter your reason, your business book is an important part of your business’s growth BUT it will not write itself.
→ It's Time to Overcome Those Obstacles
Join our challenge and stop the excuses and stagnation as you take massive, intentional action on your business book.
This 30-day journey isn't about polished prose or perfect paragraphs.
It's about quantity – It’s about getting the hardest part of the book writing process done – completing your draft.
→ You Won’t Have To Go On This Journey Alone
Double Your Transformation
With Two Expert Guides & Coaches
When you join the Challenge, two experts…an accountability and mindset and personal branding and PR coach will ensure your book is on track with a strong foundation
→ With a twist...
Writing their own book drafts right along with you during the Challenge.
Michelle B. Griffin is a thought leadership strategist, author, speaker and founder of Standout Women Media who positions female experts into industry authorities. She'll be sharing her signature Authority Book Blueprint™ so you're clear, confident and cohesive in your book and message. Her weekly strategy and positioning sessions will clarify your premise, goals, audience, messaging and marketing foundations needed for a well-positioned brand and business asset and PR tool.
Jen Laffin is an accountability and success mindset mentor who helps goal-setters become goal-getters. Jen knows how to help you show up to your writing time and overcome any self-doubt roadblocks that try to take you on a detour through "Procrastination Land." Jen will offer weekly mindset coaching sessions during the challenge to help you stay on track and keep your headspace in the best possible place so your writing time can be easy and productive.
Why NOW Is The Best Time To Write?
Your book can be a reality in 2024.

Your book isn't just a collection of words; it's a powerful tool for elevating you and your business to new heights.
Imagine the authority and credibility of being a published author in your field.
Picture the doors it will open, the connections it will forge, and its impact on your audience
Writing a book will help you grow your thought leadership and/or your business.
What's In Store For You?
Here's What's Included...
brand + book planner
We've covered you from idea to draft. Michelle's Authority Book Blueprint™ will lead you step-by-step through creating a writing plan and helping you understand how your book will unfold to ensure you stay focused, organized, and on target to reach your goal and reduce the confusion you feel and the time you waste from not taking this step.
What gets measured is what matters - Check in daily on our Challenge’s word count accountability tracker to share your progress with others in the Challenge. We are challenging you to write an average of 1,000 words daily. Remember, it’s only for 30 days…You CAN do it! And if you go missing, we’ll come find you!
mindset coaching
Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to unstoppable creativity! During the middle three weeks of the Challenge weekly mindset coaching through the toughest moments of doubt and discomfort, offering motivation, inspiration, and strategies to keep you on track and keep you writing! The urge to quit won’t even enter your mind when you’ve got this support!
next steps guidance
You did it! Now, what can you expect in terms of next steps to take your book to print this year. Find guidance on publishing options, promotion and launching best practices, times lines and more. You'll see your clear path to bringing your book to bookshelves everywhere by the year’s end and finally, being known as an "Author."
Please note the Challenge is for those with a solid idea of what to write and need a container to finish their writing quickly. It does not include writing support or publishing support/guidance.
Learn more about the program and meet your coaches in our LinkedIn Live Stream event, "It's Time to Write Your Business Book."
The Challenge Calendar
Here's What's To Expect From Us
The 30 days will fly by when you're having fun, writing thousands of words and seeing your book dreams come to life.
Join us for Zoom meetings on Wednesdays at 11 am CDT. Can’t attend live? No problem! Recordings will be available for you to watch, listen or read later.
We're also hosting live open Zoom Room writing sessions weekdays from 5:30 - 6:30 am CDT for even more writing accountability.
Welcome: April 30
YES! You did it. We're here to welcome and high-five you every step of the way. You will receive an email with next steps on what to expect and how to get started, including your Authority Book Blueprint.™ Doing this work now sets you up for ease and flow with writing and momentum for our first coaching session.
Week 1: May 1
We'll kick off the Challenge with a live Zoom meeting to review details and answer any questions you have. Jen will talk about the imposter syndrome that often accompanies any writing journey. Michelle will review your foundational first steps to clarify before you write. All calls are recorded and accessible for replay.
Week 2: May 8
You are making great progress one week into the Challenge! We’ll review any updates and insights that spring to life from the critical prep work. It’s time for a mindset lesson on what to expect in the Messy Middle so you can be prepared for the mind drama that’s about to come. Bring your struggles and questions for some live coaching support from Michelle & Jen. All calls are recorded and accessible for replay.
Week 3: May 15
You’re halfway done with the Challenge and your book draft. Just look at how fast time passes. In this session, Michelle will introduce you to new positioning and planning concepts to continue to provide your readers with an easy-to-read and take-action book experience. Jen will teach you about "Bright Shiny Thing Syndrome," which may try to distract you from finishing your draft. Again, bring us any struggles or questions you have for live coaching. All calls are recorded and accessible for replay.
Week 4: May 22
You’re in the home stretch now! This week, Jen will share how to keep your head in the game by focusing on the finish and using powerful thoughts to easily wrap up your book-writing experience. Michelle will share more teaching and tools to ensure your book flows and is engaging for readers and introduce publicity strategies to help you market and promote the book. All calls are recorded and accessible for replay.
Finale: May 29
We're almost done!! As we wrap up this challenge, Michelle will help you reinforce your book as a business asset and what’s next for your author brand, launch and promotion plans, and launch best practices. Jen will lead you through a reflection exercise, where you will witness your growth in this Challenge on your journey to becoming a goal-getter. As always, bring any questions or challenges you are experiencing for live coaching support. All calls are recorded and accessible for replay.
Completion Celebration: June 4
Join us on Zoom to celebrate the end of the Challenge and the amazing journey you’ve taken in the month of May to bring your book into the world!
Please note the Challenge is for those with a solid idea of what to write and need a container to finish their writing quickly. It does not include writing support or publishing support/guidance.
Is This Right For You?
Here's How To Know...
Yes, If...
✓ You have a clear idea of what you want your book to be about, and you are ready to start writing. This Challenge is for those who have a solid idea of what to write and a container to get the writing done quickly. Some front-end organizations using Michelle’s Authority Book Blueprint™ will give you the structure you need to write with ease.
✓ You’ve wanted to write your business book ‘someday’ but have been putting it off.
✓ You can dedicate 30 days to intentional, focused writing.
✓ You recognize how important a book is to your business's growth and are willing to let that motivate you to write it.
✓ You realize timing is EVERYTHING and RIGHT NOW is the time to translate your expertise into a published brand and business asset.
No, If...
✘ You don’t have an idea or topic for your book. You know you want to write a book, but you have no clue what it could be about. (Catch us next time, please.)
✘ You are a newer business owner who is unsure of your message or keeps changing it.
✘ You need writing support. We are not going to teach you how to write in this book. We are providing the container and the support to make the writing happen.
✘ You are not fully committed to making this happen. This challenge is for committed business owners who WILL write their book. This Challenge is for those with a solid idea of what and want to get it out there. We will not settle for continuing to talk about writing a book or thinking about writing a book – we are writing the darn book!
What They're Saying
Success Stories
About Michelle
" Marketing has always been a challenge for me. I love what I do but promoting myself felt laborious. Michelle helped me clarify and craft my brand messaging and positioning that immediately got more me views, clicks and ideal clients for my coaching practice."
Florence Doisneau
"Working with Michelle was a game-changer. She helped me clarify my focus and develop a strong personal brand."
Catrina Ossmann
"I had so much information ~ written and in my mind ~ yet could not find a way to clearly articulate, package and present my message in a simple way that resonated with others. I am forever grateful for her patience and support that got me noticed, fast."
Lisa Richer
"Michelle's approach is warm and supportive while at the same time she's sharp in diagnosing branding issues, working through solutions, and holding me accountable."
Sam Sivarajan, Ph.D.
About Jen
“Jen is not a “one size fits all” type of coach. She listens to you - both what you say and don't say- to help provide you accountability and guidance to achieve what will make you successful.
Rachel Hassall
"Working with Jen has taught me so much both personally and professionally. Most importantly how to doubt my own doubt about what I can do, set realistic goals and ensure I am able to achieve them!”
Ann Robinson
"Jen will help you regain your confidence by helping navigate through self-doubts, self-applied barriers to your success, and help you get organized, and show you the sky is the limit.
Michelle Rowe
"Since working with Jen, I've learned to recognize what to do when I feel “stuck” and how to get "un-stuck” by being curious, non-judgmental and taking that leap of faith; faith in myself that I can do hard things."
Imagine How You'll Feel
On May 31 With Your Business Book Draft...DONE!
Your Business Book Is Ready To Be Born
The 30-Day Business Book
Writing Challenge
Introductory Cohort Fee is $497

30 Days to Write Your Business Book
All By May 31st
For the low introductory price of $497
If you enroll in this challenge and write your words daily, it compounds. You WILL have your completed draft by May 31, 2024.
This means that you are well on your way to seeing your book published this year.
NO need to think about this...we purposefully made this a short lead time because...action-takers DECIDE AND DO.
→ Sign Up by April 29, 2024 by 11:59 pm CDT
If you've been putting off writing your book, what is holding you back? Time is nonrenewable and each day you wait means more time slips by for those you’re here to help.
Investing in yourself and your future is an asset – in authority, visibility, profits and impact,
Your expertise and transformative work and ideas will change lives, create impact and secure you as an authority in your field.
→ Short-term work for long-term wins.
You and your work are too valuable to wait another month, year or decade for this lasting legacy of a business book.
Join The 30-Day Business Book Writing Challenge and become the writer you’re meant to be.
Become the author your business needs.
Ready to accept the 30-Day Business Book Writing Challenge?
→ We're here for you and with you.
And like us, we know this is the nudge and expert help you need to bring your expertise to change lives.
The 30-Day Business Book Writing Challenge™ is being offered at the incredibly low price of just $497 and it will never be offered at this low rate again.
Sign up by April 29, 2024 by 11:59 pm and take the first step towards transforming your book dreams into reality.
No signs-up or refunds after this date.
→30 Days
→ Daily Writing
→ 2 Experts
→ 4 Weeks of Coaching
→ 4 Weeks of Open Zoom Room Writing Hours
→ Book Planning and Writing Resources
→A finished book manuscript, PRICELESS!
→ Endless payoffs and opportunities as a published author
Commitment and consistency WIN and so will you by taking part in The 30-Day Business Book Writing Challenge
NOW is the time.
It’s Your Moment.
This is YOUR Year.
Your future business bestseller awaits.
Your future clients await.
Future speaking gigs, podcast guesting, media mentions await.
Your finished book is the key to ALL these opportunities.
→ Let's Do This...Together!
Sign Up by April 29, 2024 by 11:59 CDT
Please note the Challenge is for those with a solid idea of what to write and need a container to finish their writing quickly. It does not include writing support or publishing support/guidance.
The 30-Day Business Book Writing Challenge
Join us by signing up by April 29, 2024 by 11:59 pm CDT